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Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke Community Karaoke

There was full house in Clubhouse 1 when Community Karaoke met on June 16. Every table was filled with happy folks who were anxious to take the stage.

Pat Kogok got resounding applause for “Where the Boys Are,” while Karen Morris had fun performing “Poor Little Fool,” and Ken Notoleva’s “Beyond the Sea” was popular. The crowd enjoyed “End of the World” as sung by newcomer Linda Nye. Eileen Merritt did a nice version of “Don’t Close Your Eyes.” And duets are always fun when it’s Margie Stewart and Ron Belben.

In all, there were 30 talented karaoke performers delighting in a variety of tunes during the fast-paced evening.

Everyone is welcome to join the club’s karaoke parties on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Coffee and tea are available, and often, there are tasty treats.

Beginning Monday, June 28, the karaoke club will host weekly practice sessions on the Amphitheater stage from 1-3 p.m. (Enter through the back door near the LW post office.) It’s an opportunity for performers to fine-tune their selections before the Wednesday-night party.

—Margie Thompson

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