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Shredding service date changed to Tuesday, July 13

Shredding service date changed to Tuesday, July 13 Shredding service date changed to Tuesday, July 13


The next Golden Age Foundation (GAF) shredding service event will be on on Tuesday, July 13, in the Clubhouse 2 parking lot from 10 a.m.-noon.

This event will once again be drop-and-go only, with no waiting in line. The GAF is asking people to observe social distancing and to consider wearing a face mask when they drop off their shredding materials.

The GAF would like to remind LWers of the following rules for the shredding service:

• Shareholders are asked to drop off their shredding materials and leave.

• Materials should be dropped off in a plastic or brown paper bag, cardboard boxes will not be accepted.

• Lines will not be allowed to form, and there will be no chairs for people to sit and wait for their documents to be shredded.

• GAF volunteers will guard bags until the shredding truck arrives to shred on-site.

• Remove staples and paper clips from all documents.

• No electronic devices will be accepted.

• Contaminated bags will be turned away.

The GAF is an independent nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to serving the residents of Leisure World Seal Beach. Its purpose is to make the community a better place to live. The GAF was established in 1973 and is not affiliated with the Golden Rain Foundation.

GAF programs are provided free to Leisure World shareholders. It is entirely staffed by volunteers, so all contributions go directly to meeting community needs. The generous support of shareholders, residents, clubs organizations and businesses is the GAF’s main source of income. The programs and projects are made possible by the volunteer efforts of so many LWers.

Donations are welcome.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 3015339.

GAF volunteers will be at the drop-off center to receive residents' documents to be shredded.

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