Learn the ins and outs of life, home and property insurance

Keegan Ferraro from State Farm Insurance will be the speaker at the next Sunshine Club meeting on Friday, June 18, at 10 a.m.
All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84982 089743?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJmW mlSNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742.
Those who want the Zoom link via email should text their name, Mutual number and email address to (562) 301-5339 by no later than today, June 17, at 5 p.m. (text only, no phone calls).
During the presentation, Ferraro will go over:
•The importance of life insurance and providing tax-free benefits to benificiaries.
•Homeowners insurance within Leisure World (HO-6).
•Protecting personal belong- ings and highly valued items.
•Protecting assets from potential lawsuits and personal liability claims.
Ferraro has been an Orange County resident his entire life and is grateful to have his agency in Seal Beach. His family has been involved with State Farm for over 60 years, which sparked his passion for insurance and helping people started at a young age.
After graduating from San Francisco State, Ferraro helped his brother open his State Farm agency in Newport Beach. It was there that he found inspiration teaching customers everything they need to know about their auto, home, business, renter’s and life insurances.
Ferraro and his team are looking forward to helping LWers with their insurance and financial service needs. They offer services in Spanish as well.
The Sunshine Club brings LW leaders to meetings to introduce their organizations to the group.
For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.