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Learn about Colonial research

Learn about Colonial research Learn about Colonial research


All Genealogy Club members are invited to tune in via Zoom at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 23, to participate in the monthly membership meeting, during which Hal Horrocks will speak on “Colonial Research.” Horrocks is a native of Long Beach and a 45-year Orange County resident currently living in Huntington Beach. The professional genealogist, teacher, author and lecturer has been doing family research for more than 25 years.

Horrocks is a member of several professional genealogical associations and is the current immediate past president of the Orange County California Genealogical Society, headquartered at the Huntington Beach Central Library. A graduate of California State University, Long Beach, he has been lecturing to genealogical and other societies for the past 16 years on a range of subjects, from why people get involved in genealogy to conducting research in early England. For a link to the Zoom conference, email

or call Mary Romero at (562) 810-4266.

The Genealogy Library will open soon for members to utilize the club’s subscriptions to Ancestry, Fold 3, newspapers, etc. Volunteers are needed to oversee the operations.

Members are required to pay dues to enjoy such benefits as the annual picnic, which is slated for July 28 at the Clubhouse 1 picnic area, and the Christmas Party, which will be Dec. 8 in Clubhouse 3. Volunteer committees are needed to make these events successful; if interested, call Romero at the phone number above.

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