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Don’t throw out those masks yet

Don’t throw out those masks yet Don’t throw out those masks yet

by Patty Marsters

Though Gov. Gavin Newsom lifted the statewide mask mandate on June 15, don’t trash those masks yet. There are still a few places where face coverings are required.

California is now following broader CDC guidance, released last month, on mask wearing. Fully vaccinated people—those who received the Johnson & Johnson shot or their second shot of the Pfizer or Modena vaccine two or more weeks prior—can forgo masks while outdoors, as well as while indoors grocery shopping, exercising at the gym, at a restaurant or bar, watching a movie, or going to church.

It remains recommended that unvaccinated people only take off their masks in public when they’re outside and can maintain 6 feet of distance from others. In pretty much every other scenario, however, it’s safest to wear a face covering.

There are just a few places where vaccinated people will still need to wear masks, including in health care settings (such as doctors’ offices and hospitals), prisons, homeless shelters and during travel (i.e., while on planes, buses and trains and their respective hubs).

And the state requires organizers of indoor events with more than 5,000 people to verify that attendees are either vaccinated or have recently tested negative. The same is recommended for outdoor events with more than 10,000 people, though organizers have the option of allowing unvaccinated and/or untested attendees if they wear masks.

Though the GRF has does not require masks or proof of vaccination, outside businesses may do so.

Workplace guidance has not yet been released, but GRF staff and contractors are expected to continue wearing masks and social distancing until further notice. GRF offices will also remain closed to the public for the time being.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who have been vaccinated can still contract COVID-19. The agency reports that out of the 135 million Americans who were fully vaccinated as of June 1, 2,274 were either hospitalized or died because of COVID-19. That means it’s very unlikely a vaccinated person will get very sick. Studies are still in progress over whether a fully vaccinated person who does get the virus can then spread it to those younger than 12 who are currently ineligible for vaccination.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children ages 2-11 or 12-18 who are unvaccinated continue to wear a mask when out in public or around anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19. Those who live with younger children or the immuno-compromised should also consider wearing face coverings while in public.

So don’t throw out those masks just yet. And assess the risks to you and others when you go out.

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