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Yahtzee Club

The Yahtzee Club will resume meeting in Clubhouse 3, Room 6, on the first and third Fridays of every month from 12:30-4 p.m. beginning June 18.

The cost to play is $5 per meeting, with the money going toward prizes for: most yahtzees, 45 percent; highest total scores, 45 percent; and door prize, 10 percent.

Attendees are invited to bring a store-bought snack that is pre- packaged in individual servings to share. Beverages should be in a spillproof container labled with a name. Existing members’ dues will be applied to this year; new members can pay dues of $3 at the meeting.

Anyone with questions about the club or who doesn’t know how to play but is interested should contact Kathy Rose at (714) 309-6873 (phone calls and text messages okay).

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