Teaching manners with rhymes

by Patty Marsters
LW Theater Club president Taylor White took her creative skills to a new level, publishing “Grandma’s Guide to Good Manners” in April.
With a catchy rhyme scheme that’s perfect for early readers, White teaches young children the importance of manners and kindness, as well as hygiene. Everyday concepts such as waiting your turn, sharing and being careful with your words are lessons wellsuited for any age. And the simple, bright illustrations on each page are sure to engage the attention of little ones.
White wrote the book as a gift for her now-18-year-old granddaughter, Kate, “to remember to always use her manners and be polite and kind.”
“I wrote the book for her ages ago and didn’t have the confidence to do anything with it,” White explains. “However, with her going off to college and with me having nothing to contribute to her (college fund), I wanted to do something. My daughter convinced me to just do it. And so I did—with her help. Now, if or when I sell some copies, I will be able to contribute to Kate’s college education.”
“Grandma’s Guide to Good Manners” is available as a paperback or as a digital file for an e-reader for $6.99 via amazon.com.