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Still Need a COVID-19 Vaccine?

Vaccination is one of the most important tools to end the COVID- 19 pandemic, according to the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA).

Orange County will equitably distribute a safe and effective vaccine to everyone ages 12 years and older who lives or works in Orange County as supply is available.’] The OCHCA is scheduling vaccines through the Othena. com platform.

Other resources include:

Orange County Over the Phone Vaccine Information & Appointments (714) 480-6450 Long Beach Helpline/Vaccine Appointments

(562) 570-4636 My Turn


•Albertsons, Safeway, Vons and Pavilions: https:// www. mhealthappointments. com/ covidappt

•Costco Pharmacies: https:// html

•CVS: (800) 746-7287, https:// covid-19-vaccine

•Health Mart Pharmacies:

http://www.healthmartcovidvaccine. com

•Kroger: https://www.ralphs. com/rx/covid-eligibility

•Rite Aid: https://www.riteaid. com/pharmacy/covid-qualifier

• Walgreens: https:// www. covid-vaccine.jsp

• Walmart: https:// www.

The arrival of COVID-19 vaccines marked a big step toward a return to normal life. Medical experts know the vaccines are safe and effective because they were held to the same safety standards as any other vaccine—and rigorous clinical trials have proven that they’re safe and effective.

More than 48 percent of the U.S. population has received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And roughly 38.1 percent of the population is fully vaccinated, the data shows.

So far, studies have shown that mRNA vaccines—Pfizer and Moderna—maintain more than 90 percent efficacy after six months. And scientists believe it’s likely much longer, but more data is needed. A vaccine will help with a returning to normal life. Until then, wear masks and stay socially distant from others.

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