Register for summer session starting June 14

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University, Long Beach. will begin its 2021 summer session, with registration starting June 14. This year, CSULB is celebrating its 25th year offering educational and social opportunities to OLLI members.
OLLI publishes OLLI registration and other information in The SUN. It contains a class schedule and interesting articles about its classes, people and activities.
All classes are currently offered via Zoom.
OLLI offers a wide variety of subjects and provides training for those unfamiliar with how to use Zoom technology.
The membership fee for the summer session is $20 (unless already a member), and classes are $15 each for the entire eightweek session.
There is no better time for seniors to learn more and age less—all safely in the comfort of their home.
LWers are welcome to join hundreds of others, aged 50 and over, already enjoying the benefits of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Founded in 1996, OLLI’s mission is to provide educational opportunities and social connections to enhance personal development and quality of life for its membership of about 2,000.
It was called Senior University in 1996 and renamed OLLI in 2006 after receiving its first $1 million endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation. OLLI received its second $1 million endowment from the foundation in 2012, allowing for even more expansion and support of the institute.
In addition to the Osher Foundation, OLLI is supported through endowments, membership fees, fundraising and grants. In turn, OLLI supports CSULB students through scholarships to students studying aging.
More information can be obtained by checking the website at (click on registration link) or by calling the OLLI office, (562) 985-8237.