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Letters to Editor


In regard to water usage being up, has anybody wondered why we need to water our lawns every day? The weather is not that hot. When mushrooms start growing in our lawns, that should tell us we are watering too much.

I don’t know who sets the watering timers, but they should be changed. We cannot afford to waste as much water as is put on our lawns.

In my opinion, as a community, we need to be more aware of our natural resources.

Clarence A. Hoffman Mutual 7


The cautious reopening of LW amenities has lifted my spirits. Reprogramming my daily routine and anticipating activities I have been missing for over a year is exhilarating.

The energetic golfers are back to enjoying their sport, and dancers at Veterans Plaza are observing social distancing while enjoying their exercise.

The GRF Board, Mutual directors and GRF Executive Director have done their best to safeguard the community, and the enthusiastic GRF news staff did an excellent job updating and featuring enchanting events.

Together with cooperation, sharing responsibility, adhering to CDC guidelines, slowly but surely, everything is returning to normal, and that’s just fine with me.

Lisa Dickson Mutual 1 Editor:

Cars and trucks emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which contribute one-fifth of the United States’ total global warming pollution. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, whichcausesworldwidetemperatures to rise. One way to respond to this issue is to contribute toward efforts to eradicate this problem.

On April 22, 2021, President Biden opened a two-day virtual climate summit, saying “the cost of inaction keeps mounting.”

Again, on May 18, President Biden spoke at the Ford Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan, saying, “The future of the auto industry is electric.” Furthermore, the average cost to operate an electric car in the United States is $485 per year, while the average for a gasolinepowered car is $1,117. A lot of new people who came to LW with EVs (electric cars) were forced to sell their vehicles due to rules and regulations, as well as the nonexistent charge stations for residents.

Leisure World could help this community by adding a charge station and issuing permits at our homes and carports. It would be greatly appreciated, especially in this era of EVs becoming more popular. We never thought that Ford, the creator of the automobile, was going to make a Mustang EV and the Ford 150 EV pickup.

Julio C. Torres Mutual 10

Submissions in each of the following categories may be published at the discretion of the Communications and Technical Director.

Letters to the Editor: Maximum number of words: 250. Letters should be typed and delivered to LW Weekly by email (preferred), regular mail, deposited in a white GRF drop box, or hand-delivered. Letters must be of general interest to the community and may contain opinions, suggestions, compliments, and complaints without being scurrilous, libelous, defamatory, repetitive or otherwise inappropriate. The names of individual employees, titles and/or departments will not be permitted in letters that could adversely impact any Foundation employee directly or indirectly.

Member Column: At a maximum 500 words, columns may present an argument or opinion or information about pending issues of concern to the community. Priority to first-time or less frequent writers. Some names will be left out to protect privacy.

Contributor: Restaurant review, theater review or travel journal submissions welcome subject to terms and conditions in the policy unless otherwise noted.

Political: Submissions concerning political issues outside of Leisure World and the City of Seal Beach will not be published.

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