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Get ready: ‘Let’s play Cribbage!’

by Terry Thrift

LW contributor

Members of the LW Cribbage Club have not heard the words “Let’s play Cribbage” from president Patti Smith for 66 consecutive weeks. But they will hear them again on Tuesday, June 15, at 12:30 p.m., when the club returns to play in Clubhouse 1.

Four-handed Cribbage is played weekly, with each participant randomly assigned a partner. Forthefirstgame,playersmaystart withthepartneroftheirchoice,but after that, partners will be randomized. At the end of the day, each playerwillhaveplayedsevengames with seven different partners.

Before play, each player puts $1 into the kitty, which often totals between$65and$75.Themoneyis used as prizes for the four highest scores of the day, plus those who have won six games or no games.

Annual dues of $3 are paid in January or whenever one joins the club. The schedule is as follows:

11:30 a.m.: Clubhouse 1 doors open.

Noon: Birthday cake and ice cream are served (see below), plus general announcements.

12:30 p.m.: Cribbage Tournament begins.

3:45 p.m.: Tallying of scores.

4 p.m.: Doors close.

The Cribbage Club has a tradition in which players provide ice cream and cake to celebrate their own birthdays. Most members reportedly enjoy serving their special dessert to the other players themselves.

For anyone a little shy or afraid the game may be too complicated, the club arranges for a volunteer to assistthem.EachhandinCribbage has only four cards, so it should be easy to pick up—and there will always be a partner to help, too.

The Cribbage Club encourages all shareholders to give the game a try.

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