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GAF Hospitality Room will reopen on Tuesday, June 15

GAF Hospitality Room will reopen on Tuesday, June 15 GAF Hospitality Room will reopen on Tuesday, June 15

The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) will reopen the Hospitality Room on Tuesday, June 15 from 9-11a.m. in Clubhouse 6.

The GAF looks forward to serving friends and neighbors coffee and cookies and getting back to the good times. Visitors must bring their own mug for coffee.

Initially, the Hospitality Room will be open on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9-11 a.m,. but there are plans to stay open every weekday as more volunteers join.

People who are interested in volunteering at least one morning a week to serve coffee should call GAF Hospitality Chair Carl Kennedy at (661) 810-9410.

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