Final approvals expected soon

The GRF has submitted revised plans to the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and the City of Seal Beach, with the anticipation of a full stamp of approval in about 20 days.
All required changes and modifications have been made by the multiple engineering firms now working on the project. The most recent was adding handicapped parking, which required regrading the curb near the pool and in the Clubhouse 6 parking lot.
Pool equipment has been ordered, and the locker room construction is underway as individual permits have been approved for that job.
A full construction schedule will be printed as soon as the main permit has been approved.
The pool was closed in late 2019 for a simple remodel that mushroomed into a complete redesign and rebuild after catastrophic infrastructure defects were uncovered when work began. Plans had to be redrawn and permits applied for amid slow-downs triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.