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Congregation Sholom

Rabbi Karen Isenberg will be streaming services at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, June 11, and Saturday, June 12, at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom. This will be Rabbi Isenberg’s last service at Congregation Sholom, as she has accepted a position at the Lakewood temple. Congregation Sholom wishes her the best.

Contact Jeff Sacks at (714) 642-0122 or to receive a Zoom invitation. The link will have the meeting ID and password embedded. Those who want more details or need to practice ahead of time can call Jeff.

To join the Zoom meeting, go to 52519429?pwd=UDREWTA1N2 1jaXVUZUhyQmY1U01JQT09.

The meeting ID is 375 251 9429, and the passcode is 8ZYy69.

Congregation Sholom’s picnic will be held on Sunday, June 13, at the Clubhouse 1 picnic area. The picnic will start at 11 a.m. for schmoozing and the lunch will start at noon. The cost is $5 per person for Kosher meat. There will be a 50/50 drawing, with four winners, as well as other games to play.

Those interested in attending the picnic can RSVP to or Ruth Hermann at (562) 430-3107. Make sure to include how many people in your party are coming so that there will be enough food for everyone.

The first in-person service will take place on Friday, June 18. It will be hybrid service with some people attending via Zoom. Those who attend the service in person must bring their own siddur, tallit and yarmulka and take them home when they leave. People must also stand at their seat for Aliyah, and there will be no kissing of religious objects.Social distancing will be enforced, except for members of the same household. Members should bring their own sanitizer.

Members should make sure to RSVP quickly, as only a small percentage of room capacity will be allowed. More details on this hybrid service will be in next week’s LW Weekly.

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