Beit HaLev

Beit Halev will conduct regular livestream Shabbat services on Friday, June 11, and Saturday, June 12, via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. To join on Zoom, go to 34704?pwd=THJGTE1OUXI5V XFDTWtuZHF4K3VxUT09. The meeting ID is 915 243 4704, and the passcode is RavGalit.
To watch the service on Facebook, go to https://www/facebook. com/ galityomtov. To view on YouTube, go to https://www/ and search for “Shabbat Shalom LIVE!”
Beit HaLev’s Coffee Chavurah on Zoom will celebrate the Sabbath evening on Friday, June 11, at 5:30, followed by the evening service at 6. On Saturday, June 12, the morning service begins at 10:30, followed by the Coffee Chavurah.
All of Beit HaLev’s prayerbooks, “Lev L’Lev,” are shared onscreen on Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.
Korach was a cousin of Moshe, Aaron and Miriam. He was jealous of the power that they held, and because he was family, he and hundreds of his followers felt that Moses should not be the leader of the Israelites and that he should. What Korach could not understand was that Moses did not choose himself; G-d chose him to lead. And so HaShem opened the earth and swallowed Korach, his family and followers.
Rabbi Galit Shirah conducts a weekday Ma’ariv service every Thursday for Sim Shalom, the online synagogue. Sim Shalom presents livestream services Monday-Thursday, with a different rabbi each day. To say Kaddish, pray for healing and to hear a spiritual message, go to