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Annual Meeting Minutes

Golden Rain Foundation Aug. 4, 2020 Call to Order The 57th Annual Meeting of Members of the Golden Rain Foundation was held in Clubhouse 4 on Aug. 4, 2020, called to order by President Linda Stone.

President Stone stated that today’s meeting had been convened in compliance with Article III, Sections 2 and 3, of the Foundation’s By-Laws and, following Corporate Secretary Suzanne Fekjar’s statement that all members were sent notice of such meeting, she declared it to be in session at 11:15 a.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

GRF Corporate Secretary Fekjar led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

The Corporate Secretary reported that Board Members Perrotti, St. Aubin, Snowden, L. Stone, Hopewell, Rapp, Fekjar, Dodero, Winkler, Heinrichs, Friedman, Isom and Massetti were present. Directors Findlay, Gerber, Pratt and Thompson participated via Zoom. Executive Director Ankeny and Director of Finance Miller were also present. Seventeen members were present, constituting a majority of the voting quorum. Director Lukoff was absent.

Membership Participation

President Stone stated that by prearrangement, through a notice published for three consecutive weeks in the LW Weekly, members wishing to do so were invited to participate in the Annual Meeting. Six written questions/comments were received and referred to the appropriate department/GRF Committee.

Approval of 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes BY REQUEST of Mutual 6, shareholder Lynn Baidack, the reading of the minutes of the Annual Meeting, held on June 11, 2019, was dispensed with, and the minutes were approved and ordered to be filed in the corporate records as heretofore published. Fekjar seconded the motion; the Board members present unanimously indicated their favor of the motion.

Introduction of Present Directors

The present Board members were introduced by President Stone: Leah Perrotti, Mutual 1; JoAnn St. Aubin, Mutual 1; Paula Snowden, Mutual 2; Paul Pratt, Mutual 2; Linda Stone, Mutual 3; Marsha Gerber, Mutual 4; William Thompson, Mutual 5; Susan Hopewell, Mutual 6; Kathy Rapp, Mutual 7; Suzanne Fekjar, Mutual 8; Tony Dodero, Mutual 9; Ronde Winkler, Mutual 10; Irma Heinrichs, Mutual 11; Lucille Findlay, Mutual 12; Phil Friedman, Mutual 15; Janet Isom, Mutual 16; and Nick Massetti, Mutual 17. President Stone recognized retiring Mutual 10 and 12 GRF Representatives for their service on the Board. On behalf of the community, President Stone thanked these Board members for their hard work and dedication and shared a brief history of their GRF activities.

Introduction of Newly Elected Directors

President Stone then introduced the newly elected directors of the Board: Lawrence Slutsky, Mutual 8; Carol Levine, Mutual 10; and Lee Melody, Mutual 14. (Carole Damoci, Mutual 12, was unable to attend) Reports

In accordance with Article V, Section 2, of the GRF By-Laws, the Annual Meeting of members is the time and place for receiving reports from chairpersons. President Stone offered the opportunity for the committee chairs to offer comments regarding their Committees. The Chairs thanked the members of their committees and staff members individually.

Executive Director’s Comments

The Executive Director thanked the Board and staff for another excellent year.

Board Member Comments

Four Board members offered comments.

Installation of Newly Elected Directors

President Stone announced that Lawrence Slutsky, Carol Levine, Carole Damoci and Lee Melody were officially installed as Directors of the Golden Rain Foundation.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:33 p.m.

—Suzanne Fekjar, Corporate Secretary

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