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Setting It Straight

A letter to the editor by Russell Gray (May 27) contained unsubstantiated information. He stated, “One director asked to have the new voting procedures separated from the bylaws on the same ballot, by a 5-2 vote that went down,” but according to board meeting documents, there was no such vote at any board meetings.

The letter further stated, “By a vote of 5-2, the board passed the bylaws to go on the ballot.”

But according to board minutes from May 11, 2020: “By a vote 6-2, the board passed the bylaws to go on the ballot.” And there were no corrections to the minutes, which stated, “following discussions and upon a motion duly made by President Mayer and seconded by Vice President Walz, it was resolved to approve that the amended and restated bylaws of Mutual 9 be placed on the 2020 ballot. The motion passed with six yes votes (Mayer, Walz, Dodero, McFadden, Turner and Muller-Gray) and one no vote (Croft).”

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