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Opera Club to Restart Meetings

Members of the LW Opera Club are making plans for the best season ever, choosing good versions of popular and lesser known works. Knowledge of plots and composers may spark interest for both opera newcomers and experts, both of whom are invited to and welcome at the meetings. The group focuses on one opera each month, with a complete performance accompanied by information and discussion in two sessions; there are also occasional potluck extravaganzas.

In the past five years, the club has shown 50-plus operas and heard from multiple speakers from the LA Opera as well as other experts. It also facilitated a connection between the LA Opera and the LW Recreation Department, arranging for LW buses to transport club members to and from operas in Los Angeles. Members also receive discounts on concert tickets and busses to Long Beach Symphony Orchestra performances.

During the pandemic, an “email tree” provided members with links to watch free virtual performances by the New York Metropolitan Opera, the LA Chamber Orchestra, USC Music Department and more.

Members and those interested are invited to the club’s monthly meetings, details for which will appear in advance in LW Weekly. No fees or dues are collected. To receive emails with meeting information and more, to join the free email tree, or for answers to any questions involving the LW Opera Club, contact Beverly Emus at Beverly90740@

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