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LW Baptist Church

LW Baptist Church LW Baptist Church

LW Baptist’s worship service is on Sunday, June 6, at 9:30 a.m. This week’s theme addresses what it means to follow Jesus.

Luke 9:51-62 raises the question when a village refuses to receive Jesus. Those with Jesus find the rejection intolerable, and Jesus rebukes his followers for their attitude and they move on, continuing their journey toward Jerusalem. While traveling, they encounter three would-be followers of Jesus, and Jesus’ conversations with them are illuminating.

Questions for this week’s service are: Why was Jesus determined to go to the cross? What makes people reject Jesus? How must a person prepare to follow Jesus? How does Jesus press his call above every other? How do divided loyalties disqualify would-be followers?

The song “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus,” with a Hindustani melody, was used often by Billy Graham and has its origin in the conversion to Christianity of a man from Assam, India, and his martyrdom for his faith, when he quoted John 12:26 in his language: “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”

Information about the church is available by calling (562) 4302920.

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