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Recap of GRF Board Activity, May 25

Approved Consent Agenda MOVED and duly approved the Committee/Board meeting minutes for the April 5 Recreation Committee Board meeting; the April 7 Physical Property Committee Board meeting; the April 8 Communications/IT Committee Board meeting; the April 9 Executive Committee Board meeting; the April 14 Security, Bus & Traffic Committee Board meeting; the April 19 Finance Committee Board meeting; the GRF Board of Directors meeting, dated April 27; the GRF Board Report, dated May 5; as well as acceptance of the Financial Statements, April, for Audit, the approval of Reserve funds investment purchase and the approval of Capital funds investment purchase.

General Capital Funding Request— Aquatic Center Additional Landscape Elements: MOVED to approve the purchase and installation of six Washingtonian Hybrid Palms, in the amount of $8,052, Capital Funding, and authorize the executive director to initiate the purchase and installation, per plans provided by Mission Landscape for the Aquatic Center project.

Architectural Design and Review Committee Reserve Funding Request— Perimeter Wall Landscaping— Medical Center/Clubhouse 6: MOVED to award a contract to J& J Landscaping to replace the New Zealand Flax plants around the perimeter wall of the Medical Center and Clubhouse 6 parking lots, for a cost not to exceed $9,575 Budgeted Reserve funding, remove the New Zealand Flax from the suggested planting list, and authorize the president sign the contract.

Communications/IT Committee Amend Governing Documents: MOVED to amend 20-5581-1, Advertising Policy, expanding advertising to more than two languages, updating the approver title, and eliminating the Religion section, as presented.

MOVED to amend 20-51253, Communications/IT Committee Charter, updating the purpose of the committee, as presented.

COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee RequesttoRecreationDepartment regarding COVID-19 Guidelines: MOVED to approve the reopening of all Trust Property facilities, under state and county guidelines, with oversite by the Recreation Department, once the COVID-19-associated restrictions have been lifted.

Executive Committee Amend and Rescind Governing Documents: MOVED

to amend 30-5024-1, Committee Structure, establishing the conditions that Member/Owners (M/O) may be appointed to subcommittees and ad hoc committees, clarifying the creation of subcommittees, and directing ad hoc committees to present a final report to the GRF Board, when the ad hoc committee is dissolved, as presented.

MOVED to rescind 30-12201, Subcommittee Member/ Owner (M/O) Specialist, which has been incorporated into 30-5024-1, Committee Structure, as presented.

Finance Committee Amend 40-5115-3, Finance Committee Charter: MOVED to amend 40-5115-3, Finance Committee Charter, updating the committee’s purpose, establishing the committee’s duty to work cooperatively with other standing committees when projects and responsibilities overlap, clarifying the income-producing leases to be reviewed, and updating document language, as presented.

Operating Funds Request— Prepaid Dynamic Support Hours: MOVED to correct and restate the intended motion passed at the April 27 Board meeting: to approve the purchase of a prepaid block of 100 support hours from Boyer & Associates, in the amount of $19,500, from Operating funds.

Mutual Administration Amend 50-5165-3, Mutual Administration & Service Maintenance Charter: MOVED to amend 50-5165-3, Mutual Administration & Service Maintenance Charter, clarifying the scope of the committee, and establishing the committee’s duty to work cooperatively with other standing committees when projects and responsibilities overlap, as presented.

Physical Property Committee Emergency Action: Replacement of HVAC Unit A, Clubhouse 2: MOVED to ratify the emergency action and relative Reserve expenditures, in the amount of $8,000, for the replacement of Heat Pump No. 2, Pool Room, in Clubhouse 2, for a cost not to exceed $8,000.

Capital Funding Request— Shade Structure, Golf Course: MOVED to award a contract to MJ Jurado to install an industrialgrade shade structure (ADRCapproved type), with concrete slab, at the Golf Course, for a cost not to exceed $6,500, Capital funding, and authorize the president sign the contract.

Capital Funding Request— Replace Approach from Parking Lot to Swimming Pool: MOVED to award a contract to MJ Jurado, in the amount of $69,252 (updated cost), to make the approach from the parking lot to the Swimming Pool ADA compliant, as recommended to the GRF Board by the Physical Property Committee, per the committee’s action request of May 5; add a $5,000 contingency for a total project cost not to exceed $74,252; and authorize the president sign the contract.

Recreation Committee Capital Funding Request— Outdoor Storage Unit, Clubhouse 3: CONCURRED to refer the Outdoor Storage Unit, Clubhouse 3, to the Recreation Committee for review.

Approve Mini Farm Redesign Concept: MOVED to conceptually approve a renovation of Trust Property commonly identified as the Mini Farms and authorize due committee process to seek professional consultants for drafting and finalization of the design and development of specifications and construction plans, which, because of the age of the location, must meet all current building codes as well as accessibility (ADA) standards.

MOVED to approve a moratorium on all leasing of plots in effect until such time as final determination is made by the Board on the renovation of the 1.8

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