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Members hope to resume in-person meetings soon


by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The LW Democratic Club held its last Zoom meeting of the season on May 19. Meetings —by Zoom if necessary—will resume on Wednesday, Aug. 18. The focus for the rest of the year will be three-fold: the upcoming recall election, candidates expected to run in the June 2022 Primary and social justice issues of importance to Democrats. Information about positions that will appear on the primary ballot will be included in upcoming articles.

Club members should be aware that meetings will be held in Clubhouse 2 once the club can meet face-to-face. Clubhouse 4, the Democratic Club’s usual meeting space, is reserved for official GRF meetings.

The club will continue to staff a voter service center outside Clubhouse 6 every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Club members will also contact other LW voters concerning the importance of supporting Gov. Gavin Newsom in the recall election that will take place sometime this fall. Club members interested in being involved in either effort or in helping another way should email club president Mary Tromp at

The club will start publishing its electronic newsletter more frequently. To subscribe, call (562) 296-8521 or email democraticclubsblw@ The newsletter is available only to club members and supporters, although back issues are published on the club’s website at sblwdems. or by Googling “SBLW Democratic Club.” Copies of the most recent issue of the newsletter are also available every Tuesday at the club’s voter service center for members without access to the web or who do not have an email account.

Once again, the club has assumed responsibility for staffing the Democratic booth at the 2021 Orange County Fair for one day between July 16-Aug.15. Any member interested in participating should contact Loni Gardette at

In addition to the above efforts, plans are underway to make the club’s Facebook page and website more user friendly, as well as up to date with information of interest to voters. Members interested in working on this project are invited to email the chair of the Publicity Committee, Mary Larson at or by phone at (562) 296-8521. The club is especially interested in hearing from anyone with experience in designing a website.

Members who do have access to the web are urged to check the club’s online resource center. Our latest in-depth report deals with the California commission created to stop lawmakers and powerful interests from drawing gerrymandered congressional and legislative districts. Redistricting experts of both parties have been growing increasingly concerned by the commission’s lack of transparency.

For Leisure World Democratic Club membership information or to check renewal status, call (562) 431-7275.

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