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Next meeting is on Thursday, May 27


by Brian Harmon

LW contributor

On Friday, June 11, GOP Club members will celebrate the volunteers who helped in the last election and since at a picnic outside Clubhouse 1 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Those who want to attend can RSVP by calling Kitty Hammerschmidt at (562) 301-9681.

The next Republican Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 26, at 7 p.m., even though meetings are regularly held on the third Wednesday of each month.

At the April club meeting, members discussed their reasons for wanting to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The most popular reasons were unlimited immigration/sanctuary state, election integrity, the bullet train and Newsom’s approach to COVID-19, including the controversy of when he went to a restaurant unmasked while implementing strict stay-at-home orders. ••• The GOP Club does not charge membership dues or impose any other financial obligation on members. The club raises money primarily through donations and selling political campaign memorabilia during election season; roughly $8,000 was raised in the past year. The club endorses candidates for partisan and non-partisan races, and club funds are used to support the endorsed candidates, pay for speakers at club meetings and cover miscellaneous expenses.

The club is looking forward to meeting in person soon at the picnic on June 11. Any person who wants to be added to the club membership roster or wants more information about the club can send an email to or call (714) 928-1950. Everyone on the email list will be sent a link to the next meeting and the picnic.

Members will also be sent via email the agenda and minutes for each meeting and other information deemed necessary and/or appropriate by the president.

The Republican Club encourages anyone, especially club members, to send their opinions on public issues or ideas about what the club should be doing. To do so, call or text (714) 928-1950. If sending a text, type “GOP Club” on the first line. Those who do not want their name, ideas or opinions to be made public should so indicate.

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