New website launched today

Today, the LW Weekly launched a new enriched E-Edition of the community paper. It features interactive content, robust search capabilities and more fun features.
The familiar PDF version will still be available at, but LW residents are invited to explore the new E-Edition at
It features a fast-loading digital replica that can be viewed on your smartphone, laptop, tablet or desktop computer.
The E-Edition allows easy reading of the paper, plus the ability to search past editions, share articles to Facebook or Twitter, and email screen shots to friends.
It is powered by Tecnavia, which is used by more than 1,800 publications worldwide, including the Long Beach Press-Telegram and the Orange County Register.
The site is designed for an optimal reading experience on mobile devices and maintains the look and feel of the print edition. Each article can be read in text mode or in clip view.
The E-Edition can be translated into 11 languages and includes an audio version, adjustable text size and organized content. Readers who get stuck can click the LW Weekly logo at the top of any page to be returned to the home screen.
To start exploring the E-Edition, go to or hit the icon at the PDF version at You can easily move between the two platforms with the click of a button.
Once at the E-Edition, you can navigate the paper’s editorial content, classifieds and display advertising.
A tutorial on page 17 of this issue will show readers how to change font size, zoom the view, search archives, print and share screenshots, translate and listen to articles, and more.
The GRF Communications and Information Technology Committee and LW Weekly staff hope that LW readers find this website user-friendly, making community news accessible on any current tablet and smartphone, even those with small screens.
New Enriched LW News