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Mini Farm

Mini Farm Mini Farm

Anna Derby from Mutual 5 enjoys working in the Mini Farm to forget about the anxiety and uncertainty in life. While gardening recently, she was reminded of a an article about how it is an example of what people in the field of psychology call a “flow-state” activity, one in which people lose track of time and become one with what they’re doing. Some people may know flow as being “in the zone.”

People become invested in flow activities because it keeps them from worrying or ruminating, and it helps them relieve stress.

Derby says she experiences flow each time she is working on her plot at the Mini Farm. She gets in the zone while making sure that all of her vegetables are doing well.

Derby planted beet seeds on the last day of February,and a few months but a few months later, the beets were ready to be picked.

“There’s nothing like eating something you grew right out of the farm,” Derby said. “It has been a pleasure to have a Mini Farm plot.” Derby says she can’t wait for the cucumbers, tomatoes, Korean Yul Mu, eggplants and corn to grow in her garden as well.

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