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Masks are needed at GRF venues

Masks are needed at GRF venues Masks are needed at GRF venues


The Centers for Disease Control released guidance on May 13 that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can resume activities without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal or territorial laws, which include local business and workplace guidance.

For LW residents, face coverings are still mandated per Orange County Health Care Agency guidelines, even for fully-vaccinated people, at GRF venues. GRF staff is required to wear masks on-site unless they are at their desks. California and Orange County mask requirements remain in place for now, but Gov. Newsom has indicated that mask rules will likely be eased on June 15.

State public health officials are asking Californians to keep their masks on indoors until June 15, whether they've gotten a COVID-19 vaccine or not, though they can skip masks outdoors as long as they're not in a crowd and can keep a distance from others. GRF guidelines remain in effect.

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