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Letters to the Editor


Security Director Victor Rocha discussed rear-window vehicle tags during a Presidents’ Council meeting per the LW Weekly.

I found out implementation of this is mutual-specific and is now being discussed by Mutual 2 directors.

There has been no compelling rationale presented that substantiates our vehicles being plastered with redundant stickers.

Security staff identifies authorized vehicles entering the complex with front window stickers.

That is sufficient.

No further ID tags are necessary as it won’t enhance the safety and security of residents.

In addition, the rationale and unbiased arguments for and against implementing it have not been (widely reviewed) in Mutual 2. Feedback by a majority of the total number of residents should be part of the process.

People I spoke to were not aware of this issue and are against it.

In summary, for the above reasons, discussion for implementation of rear-window ID tags for Mutual 2, and, if in process, the remaining Mutuals, should be suspended.

Lynn Alper Mutual 2 Editor:

Now that the library is opening up again, I had the pleasure the other day of enjoying the sculpture of the elderly couple sitting on the park bench in its new location.

I felt encouraged by the possibility that I too might live long enough to feel some contentment about a long life, well-lived.

The elderly couple reminded me that it is important to celebrate life in all of its stages and diversity.

I am extremely grateful to the family who donated this gift to the residents of Leisure World.

Mike Maher Mutual 3 Editor:

I am no longer a director in Mutual 9, but I would like to correct recent complaints I recently read regarding Mutual 9’s new election policy.

Mutual 9 held a town hall meeting in 2020 before the last election.

The new bylaws were explained by our lawyer, and the majority of the people present agreed that the new bylaws made sense.

The 2020 election voted in the bylaws. The people’s choice was carried out.

The suggestion made to “just not vote” could cost us all money. If a quorum is not met, another vote must be taken, an expense for us all. You do not have to vote for anyone, but please sign your name and send in the ballot.

A director must live in the parcel he is campaigning in. He or she must be able to do the jobs required in his or her parcel (fire inspections, carport inspections, etc.).

The election is to select the person who is willing and able to help residents in his or her parcel.

This is not a popularity contest. Everyone has one vote to use no matter how many persons are running.

This is similar to voting for a president of the U.S. or a governor of your state.

The total number elected make up the Mutual Board, which then works together to run the Mutual as a corporation in the state of California, within Davis-Stirling requirements.

Marge Dodero Mutual 9

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