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Presidents’ Council Recap, May 6

The regular monthly meeting of the Presidents’ Council was convened at 9:03 a.m. by President Jackie Dunagan on May 6 via video-telephone conference. The following is a recap of that meeting.

• The regular monthly meeting minutes of April 1 were approved by the Council, as printed.

• Security Services Director Victor Rocha discussed the Mutuals’ Security Guidebook and the new access system for the front gate.

• Facilities Director Mark Weaver provided a verbal report on the electrical charging stations.

• Executive Director Randy Ankeny provided an update for Mutual Administration and Stock Transfer monthly reports. Recording Secretary Priscilla Jimenez provided an update for the Mutual and GRF Elections.

• Ankeny briefly spoke on the GRF Scope of Services. The recording secretary will provide each Mutual its individual management agreement.

• Ankeny briefly spoke on the hate-crime letter, drought conditions for California and the Stock Transfer staffing changes.

• Presidents’ Council members briefly spoke on when to schedule the Mutual Board trainings.

• The presidents offered comments during the proceedings of the meeting.

The next meeting of the Presidents’ Council is scheduled for June 3 at 9 a.m. via Zoom.

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