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OC Democratic Chairwoman will speak at next meeting

OC Democratic Chairwoman will speak at next meeting OC Democratic Chairwoman will speak at next meeting


The Leisure World Democratic Club will met on Wednesday, May 19, at noon via Zoom. The featured speaker is Orange County Democratic Party Chairwoman Ada Briceño. She will update members on issues relating to the upcoming recall election and will report on the recent Democratic State Party Convention.

All LW Democrats and supporters are welcome to attend the meeting. Login information via computer or phone is included in the club’s current electronic newsletter. Those who are not subscribed to the newsletter should call club president Mary Tromp at (562) 412-0898 with their contact information and party affiliation to receive the login information.

••• The first immigrant to lead the Democratic Party of Orange County, Briceño immigrated to the United States at the age of 6 when her family fled a brutal civil war in Nicaragua. She has dedicated her career to uplifting marginalized voices.

In addition to her political and union work, Briceño has led many civil rights, immigrants’ rights, women’s rights and environmental efforts. She serves as a member of the Southern California Air Quality District Environmental Justice Committee to raise the voices of those impacted by air quality and other climate and environmental justice issues. She is the former chair of Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE), an organization that brings faith leaders together for economic justice advocacy. She also serves on the Orange County Women’s March Steering Committee and on the Board of Planned Parenthood of San Bernardino and Orange Counties. Among her many accolades, Briceño was named one of Orange County’s 100 Most Influential persons by the Orange County Register in 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2014.

••• The LW Democratic Club officially reopened its voter registration booth in the parking lot outside Clubhouse 6 on April 27. The booth will be open every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. In addition to voter registration information, visitors to the booth will find copies of the club’s most recent newsletter as well as other materials relating to upcoming elections.

To subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter, contact Mary Larson at (562) 296-8521 or email democraticclubsblw@gmail. com. Remember to include your full contact information. This newsletter is available only to club members and supporters, although back issues are published on the club’s website.

Plans are currently underway to make the Democratic Club’s Facebook page more userfriendly, as well as up-to-date with information of interest to voters.

For Club membership information or to check renewal status, call (562) 431-7275.

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