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LW Baptist

LW Baptist LW Baptist

Leisure World Baptist Church welcomes LWers to come to its worship service on Sunday, May 16, at 9:30 a.m. in the Amphitheater. The theme for this week’s service is “Why are Jesus’ miracles written down?”

Luke’s record of Jesus’ life in 8:40-9:17 is an invitation for reflection. How did Jesus restore life, and how will he again? How does he bring people to faith? Why are there so many misbeliefs about Christ? Why is it necessary to believe in Christ?

At the grand piano, Yvonne Leon will lead the church with a number of melodies, including “We Shall See His Lovely Face Some Bright Holden Morning.” Composer, author and publisher Norman J. Clayton was a lifelong church organist from age 12, starting in South Brooklyn Gospel Church. He wrote many songs, always with a Biblical theme, for radio broadcasts and special meetings. He said he usually wrote the music before the words. A great thrill in life, he said, was hearing a 10-year-old deaf girl sing one of his songs at a camp for disabled children.

Call (562) 430-2920 for more church information.

Rolland Coburn

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