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Letters to the Editor


I would like to express my gratitude to LW Security Officer Ken Wolfe, who graciously took care of a carport-cabinet-lock issue for me.

It is nice to know that we live in a community where such acts of kindness occur.

Darinka Mlikotic Mutual 1 Editor:

As a dues-paying shareholder in Leisure World, I would like to be able to use the facilities I am paying for. As I sat in the Veterans Plaza waiting for my turn to sing at Community Karaoke the other day, I, along with 30-40 other residents, could see how nice, clean, warm and sheltered it was inside Clubhouse 3.

I thought, “Why am I sitting out here in the elements when I have been paying for the use of these comfortable facilities for many years, and I have not been inside them for over a year?”

We as shareholders would like to be able to go inside the clubhouses to use the facilities we are entitled to instead of shivering or sweating outside in the variable weather.

Ellen Brannigan Mutual 14 Editor:

Being rather new to LW, I notice that we are wasting so much water at our car washes.

In many communities, it is even against the law to run the water through hoses that don’t have attached nozzles. Why do we let our users wash their cars (vans and trucks) with open-flow water hoses?

I suggest removing all the long flex water hoses. Users need to bring buckets if they want freeflowing water.

Hankin Le Mutual 7 Editor’s Note: The self-serve hand car wash lot located on El Dorado Drive between Clubhouse 2 and the RV lot uses recycled water.


Right now, I feel like a kid. I have so many questions and cannot find any correct answers. I hear lots of rumors but no definite answers.

Whoever was in charge of the Golf Course got it completed. Whoever was in charge of the gym got it completed.

Is it possible to get someone in charge of the pool so it can be completed? I just can’t imagine what the hold-up is. If anybody has a way to speed things up with the pool, please do so and use your power. Thanks, and I will continue my prayers. Hazel Dohl Mutual 11 Editor’s Note: There was a comprehensive update in the March 25 issue (page 2) of the LW Weekly. Currently, GRF staff is in the final stages of answering city and county’s plan check comments. Once details are finalized and submitted, permits will follow. At that time, a construction timeline will be printed to keep residents apprised of project progress.

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