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From the Centers for Disease Control

More than 70 percent of Americans aged 65 years and older are fully vaccinated, according to CDC data published last week. The country has reported an average of 2.1 million vaccinations per day over the past week, down from a peak of 3.4 million in mid-April. Daily U.S. case counts continue to fall, with the seven-day average down 11 percent from a week ago.

At the same time, the rate of new infections fell further. About 46,600 new cases are being reported each day in the U.S., based on a seven-day average, the lowest level since the fall, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center.

Who’s Vaccinated

About 45 percent of Americans have received at least one vaccine dose, and nearly onethird are fully vaccinated, CDC data shows.

Among seniors, one of the most vulnerable groups and to whom vaccine eligibility opened earliest, those figures are much higher: 83 percent are at least partially vaccinated, and more than 70 percent are fully vaccinated.

Last week, President Joe Biden set a goal of getting 70 percent of U.S. adults to receive at least one dose of a COVID vaccine by July 4. As of May 5, about 57 percent of adults have done so.

U.S. Shots Administered

With 1.8 million vaccinations reported Wednesday, the latest seven-day average of daily shots administered is 2.1 million per day, according to CDC data.

The rate of reported daily vaccinations has been on the decline for weeks, down 37 percent from the high point a few weeks ago.

U.S. COVID Cases

The U.S. is reporting an average of 46,600 daily new infections over the past seven days, according to Hopkins Research Center, down 11 percent from a week ago. Daily case counts have fallen by at least 5 percent over the past week in more than half of the states.

The CDC said Wednesday that its projections show U.S. cases will likely surge again due to the highly contagious B.1.1.7 variant, peaking in May, and then falling sharply in July.

High rates of vaccination coverage and compliance with pandemic safety measures “are essential to control COVID-19 and prevent surges in hospitalizations and deaths in the coming months,” federal health officials wrote in the report.

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