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Shop with Amazon Smile on your phone


The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) wants to thank shareholders who have participated in the Ralphs Rewards or Amazon Smile programs. Participation in these two programs generates funds to help support GAF programs such as the shredding service, Mobility Aids program, tax preparation program and many other services throughout the year. These programs were especially critical during the pandemic, which limited GAF’s normal fundraising.

Both Ralphs and Amazon Smile donate a portion of their sales to nonprofits at no additional cost to their customers.

GAF supporters can now use the Amazon shopping app on their mobile phone to sign up for Amazon Smile and select “Golden Age Foundation Inc.” as their favorite charity.

Want to help make a difference while shopping with the Amazon app at no extra cost? Simply follow the instructions below to select the GAF as the charity for Amazon Smile to send donations from your purchases.

1. Open the Amazon app on your phone.

2. Select the main menu and click on the Amazon Smile tab within Programs and Features.

3. Select “Golden Age Foundation Inc” as your charity.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate Amazon Smile in the mobile app.

The GAF is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization since 1973. It has a small board of directors, and every person in the organization is a volunteer. Its mission is to make the Leisure World community a better place to live. GAF’s funding is dependent on contributions.

For more information about GAF and its programs, go to www.

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