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Memorial Service Ock Sang Im

A memorial service for Ock Sang Im will be held on May 5 at the Korean Martyrs Catholic Center at 11 a.m. The address is 7655 Trask Ave. in Westminster. The family requests that donations to the church be made in the place of flowers.

••• In Memoriam Patricia Woolums 78 David Farley 64 Arath Alvarez 80 Martha Benedict 73 Thelma Parks 84 Michael Watts 72 Sally Moore 74 Tim Foley 76 Majorie Leffler 99 Christopher Harden 68 Michael Watts 72 James Ceston 85 Isaako Moevao 70 Thela Parks 84 Genevieve Jenkins 99 Families assisted by McKenzie Mortuary, 961-9301 —Paid obituary

••• Send obituaries and photos in the form of jpegs to laurieb@

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