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Letters to the Editor


LW Republican Club members and others were surprised to see a letter by Donald Hodel of Mutual 6 (April 8) indicating that Republicans should have been prohibited from speaking out against racism at a public rally sponsored by the Korean American Association and strongly supported by the GRF leadership, including Executive Director Randy Ankeny.

The GOP club supports everything that the GRF and its leadership are doing to combat racism, especially in attacking the venomous and threatening letter sent to the recently widowed wife of a Korean-American member of the LW community Unlike many in this country today, the GOP club supports free speech for everyone, as well as a free press.

It has, however, long been the policy of the LW Weekly not to publish letters that disparage others, including GRF staff, leaders and shareholders. The club has consistently opposed racism of any sort and is united in the belief that racism should be rejected by all of us.

The Republican Club leadership team asks all LWers to join it in the fight to make the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. and millions of others a reality.

Racism is not welcome here.

Brian Harmon LW Republican Club Editor:

We want to thank the band Abilene for a fun event last Saturday afternoon.

The musicians and singers were great.

The crowd was on a high, attending the first event since everyone got vaccinated.

There were shouts and smiles, laughter and dancing, and warm greetings all around.

Hearing old, favorite songs sung so well was a treat.

The lovely outdoor space provided by Mutual 11 was just right.

We look forward to a full Clubhouse 2 again, but this was a wonderfully satisfying first event of the year.

Fred and Linda Fenton Mutual 12


In response to a letter to the editor by Marjorie Dodero (April 22), it is with due respect to the many Mutual directors who serve with the best of intentions, I believe that Marjorie has painted directors with a broad brush of being perfect in all they do.

I have lived in Mutual 9 since August 2010.

In this time, I have seen directors come and go. In my view, many of my directors proved ineffectual and resistant to community requests to obtain help from them to get our concerns addressed.

But look at the incentives to be a director. Would any one of us go out and face daily problematical work issues without being paid?

A few years ago, I was told by a representative within Leisure World governance that some of the directors want to have the power and authority that never was theirs before Leisure World directorship.

This does not bode well for confidence in every single director functioning in the manner that Marjorie has described.

Marsha Chase Mutual 9

5 Editor:

What a happy surprise to find that the statue of the “older couple” has been relocated to the entry of our wonderful LW Library. It looks great. I applaud the administration for having the courage to relocate it amidst so much early criticism and ingratitude. The fact that the couple is sharing a book makes it all the more appropriate that it be placed here. Bravo!

Now may I suggest that the empty cement base where it had been previously located be used to erect a monument to the diversity of Leisure World?

Let’s use the creative minds of our own residents to devise, fund and manufacture a piece of art that appeals to the overwhelming majority of our residents who welcome the full spectrum of humankind.

After the despicable incident of the poison pen letter, I believe we need to completely and vociferously reject the hidden, hairy hand of hatred that was laid at our doorstep.

The bitter person who lashed out at the wounds of a new widow should not have the final word.

Jim Schneiderman Mutual 3

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