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Editor: What a happy ….


What a happy surprise to find that the statue of the “older couple” has been relocated to the entry of our wonderful LW Library. It looks great. I applaud the administration for having the courage to relocate it amidst so much early criticism and ingratitude. The fact that the couple is sharing a book makes it all the more appropriate that it be placed here. Bravo!

Now may I suggest that the empty cement base where it had been previously located be used to erect a monument to the diversity of Leisure World?

Let’s use the creative minds of our own residents to devise, fund and manufacture a piece of art that appeals to the overwhelming majority of our residents who welcome the full spectrum of humankind.

After the despicable incident of the poison pen letter, I believe we need to completely and vociferously reject the hidden, hairy hand of hatred that was laid at our doorstep.

The bitter person who lashed out at the wounds of a new widow should not have the final word.

Jim Schneiderman Mutual 3

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