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Volunteers needed to help with opening weekly booth at CH6


by Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club board has announced that only one more membership meeting will be held via Zoom. The theme of the Wednesday, May 19, meeting is “Defeat the Recall of Gov. Newsom.” The club hopes to meet face-to-face resume no later than Aug. 18.

The club’s membership meeting on April 21 featured a presentation by Peter Hardin, who is running for Orange County District Attorney in the June 2022 Primary Election. Members should remember that, unless a bill currently before the California legislature passes, any candidate who receives more than 50 percent of the votes in that election will win the seat outright. There would be no run-off in the November General Election between the top two candidates ••• Club members and supporters who want to be informed about the current California legislative bills, as well as about other news of interest to Democrats, can subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter at or call (562) 296-8521. Remember to include your full contact information.

The club board continues to make plans to open a booth outside Clubhouse 6 on Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Voter registration material, yard and window signs, club brochures, membership forms, and information about upcoming elections will be available. The booth’s opening date will depend on the recruitment of volunteers. Anyone interested in participating in this effort should contact board member Rachael Lehmberg at (562) 340-9816 for details.

For club membership information, call (562) 431-7275.

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