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Mobility Aid Volunteers needed

by John Hlavac

LW contributor

The Mobility Aids program of the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) is looking for a few people to volunteer once a week to help residents get mobility aids.

The job requires sitting in the storeroom from 12:30-2:30 p.m. During that time, the volunteer will help LWers who need assistance to select the most appropriate mobility aid, fit the aid to the resident and complete the paperwork.

It is important for the volunteer to ejnoy meeting a wide variety of people while being patient with those who need assistance. The ability to write clearly is a plus because the Mobility Aids program uses a paperbased system. Reliability is very important, because people are depending on the volunteer to show up on time and assist them properly. The room is staffed by only one person at a time. Being a good listener is a strong asset because people sometimes come in with an idea of what they want, and a good volunteer will know when something else is maybe more appropriate. Having a good sense of humor helps a lot, especially when a number of people show up at the same time.

Finally, having used a mobility aid yourself in the past is a natural advantage.

Those who are interested in volunteering should call the GAF voicemail at (562) 4319589 and leave their contact information.

The GAF is the nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to serving the special needs of Leisure World shareholders, including mobility aids free of charge to residents.

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