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Men’s Golf Club

After a 13-month hiatus, the LW Men’s Golf Club resumed Tournament play at the Turtle Lake Golf Course on April 14. Three flights vied for best net scores, including four circle holes and two closest-to-thepin challenges.

The first foursome of the year teed off at 8 a.m. They were followed by 38 other golfers over a period of more than five hours. The weather was cool and initially damp; the morning warmed up with some on-and-off sun, which also brought some wind later in the morning. Players were happy to get back to tournament play, renew friendships and meet some new people.

A flight encompasses golfers with handicaps of 0-6; B flight is 7-12; and C flight is 13-18. All scores are net (gross score minus handicap).

A Flight Winners: First place: Steve Ro, 5 under 49; second: Bob Turner, 3 under 51; third: Bob Barnum: 1 under 53; fourth: tie between Bill Lyons and Glenn Barry, 1 over 55; fifth: tie between Bill Long, tournament director Alan Sewell and David Kwan, 2 over 56.

B Flight Winners: First place: John Haley, 6 under 48; second: Dave LaCascia, 5 under 49; third: tie between Dale Williamson, Trai Nguyen and Ron Jackson, 2 over 56; fourth: tie between Ron Steele and Jay Kim, 4 over 58; fifth: tie between Ryan Hung and Jong Lee, 5 over 59.

C Flight Winners: First place: tie between Sang H. Kim and Hyon Shin, 2 under 52; second: tie between Kap Son, Youn Lee, Suk Im and Roger Bennett, even par 54; third: Joe DiDonato, 2 over 56; fourth: tie between Bill Zurn and Lee Broadbent, 3 over 57; fifth: James Choi, 4 over 58.

The next Men’s Tournament will be on April 28, then every second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The first Guys and Gals Tournament of 2021 will be on May 19, then every third (and fifth, if there is one) Wednesday.

—Dave LaCascia

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