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Drop off used batteries at CH 5

Drop off used batteries at CH 5 Drop off used batteries at CH 5


The Golden Age Foundation’s (GAF) battery collection service will opperate separately from its quarterly shredding service. Shareholders can now drop off used batteries at any time behind Clubhouse 5.

Before the pandemic, the LW Weekly office and the Hospitality Room in Clubhouse 6 had buckets for shareholders to drop off used batteries at their convenience.The program was put on hold to follow COVID-19 restrictions. GAF started collecting batteries at its shredding service to help shareholders safely dispose of old batteries.

The GAF board decided to have a separate battery collection program from the shredding service to avoid the risk of accidently mixing batteries with documents to be shredded, which could cause damage to the shredding truck.

Residents can now drop off small batteries in the alley behind Clubhouse 5 for Golden Rain Foundation employees will take them the maintenance yard to be properly recycled. Printer cartridges and hearing aids batteries will not be accepted.

GAF sponsors several programs to enhance the quality of life for shareholders. Its environmental program also collects fluorescent light bulbs to promote proper disposal and recycling.

GAF is an independent nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to serving the residents of Seal Beach Leisure World. Its purpose is to make Leisure World a better place. GAF was established in 1973 and is not affiliated with the Golden Rain Foundation.

All GAF programs are free to Leisure World shareholders. GAF is entirely staffed by volunteers, so all contributions go directly to meeting community needs. Support from shareholders, residents, clubs, organizations and businesses is GAF’s main source of income.

Donations are welcome. For more information, go to www.

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