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Residents fill every session available at new center

Residents fill every session available at new center Residents fill every session available at new center


The newly renovated Fitness Center reopened for the first time in over a year April 12 to a full house, COVID-19 style—in 45-minute sessions with 15 exercisers per shift. Residents lined up outside Clubhouse 6 at 6 a.m., waiting for the doors to open. They were escorted upstairs, where they registered at the new check-in desk. Once on the floor, they had their choice of cardio machines, free weights, resistence training, stability balls and more. After 40 minutes, an attendant alerted everyone that it was time to cool down, as work outs would be ending. The schedule allows 15 minutes between every shift so gym attendants can disinfect the equipment.

The center is available by appointment only.

Here’s what you need to know: 1. Reserve a 45-minute session the day before you want to workout.

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