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Community Church

Community Church Community Church

by Johan Dodge


As a part of the Interfaith Council Good Friday/Passover Service, I will be sharing a short message on the words from Jesus as he is on the cross.

It is all too easy to feel forsaken in the midst of this pandemic as we continue with masks, distancing and going so long without singing together. Times of pressure do strange things to the psyche, and we have seen that play out together in recent days with the hate-filled letter that came out last week. To be clear, Leisure World Community Church practices a policy of “Leave your hate at the gate,” and we believe that all are welcome and loved by God.

The Easter message on Sunday is titled: “Without Change, There Would Be No Butterflies.” We are planning to open for in-person worship with a reservation for those who have been fully vaccinated. The worship will be on the screen, as I and the music team are not fully vaccinated yet. If you cannot get a reservation or are not fully vaccinated, you can join the livestreamed worship from your own home. Contact the church office to sign up for either event by calling (562) 431-2503 or emailing as soon as possible as there is a limited capacity and seats will likely go fast. Those who don’t have a computer or Facebook can call the phone system and listen to the weekly message beginning Sunday evening.

Join us for masked and distanced worship on Good Friday, April 2, at noon in the Amphitheater.

If you are in need without another way to address it, call the church office to leave me a direct message at (562) 431-2503.

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