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Recap of GRF Board Activity, March 23


MOVED and duly approved to support the actions being taken into the investigation of the hate/ bias crime of March 22.

Approved Consent Agenda:

MOVED and duly approved the Committee/Board minutes for the month of February—the Feb. 1 Recreation Committee Board meeting, the Feb. 3 Physical Property Committee Board meeting, the Feb. 12, Executive Committee Board meeting, the Feb. 23 GRF Board of Directors meeting—as well as the GRF Board Report, datedMarch23,andtheacceptance of the Financial Statements, February, for Audit.


MOVED to accept the AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee’s final report and formally recognize the dissolution of the committee.

MOVED to accept the GRF Bulk Cable Ad Hoc Committee’s final report and formally recognize the dissolution of the committee.

General Approve Sublease for United MedicalImaging(UMI): MOVED to approve the sublease of space within the Health Care Center, between Monarch Medical and United Medical Imaging.

AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-1400-1, Use of GRF (Trust) Facilities: MOVED to tentatively amend 70-1400-1, Use of GRF (Trust) Facilities, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on April 27.

COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee 70-1448-3F, Fitness Center, PhaseOne—ReopeningRequest: MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property known as the Fitness Center in Clubhouse 6 under 70-1448-3F, Fitness Center Phase One—Emergency Operational Procedures with a maximum capacity of 10 percent of the equipment area only.

70-1448-3H, Library Phase One—Reopening Request:

MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property known as LW Library under 70-1448-3H, Library, Phase One—Emergency Operational Procedures.

70-1448-3K, Clubhouses 1 and 2 Woodshops—Reopening Request: MOVED to approve the reopeningofTrustPropertyknown as Clubhouse 1 and Clubhouse 2 Woodshops under 70-1448-3K Phase One—Emergency Operational Procedures.

70-1448-3M, Art Room— Reopening Request: MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property known as Clubhouse 4, Art Room, under 70-1448-3M, Phase One—Emergency Operational Procedure.

70-1448-3N, Ceramics Room, PhaseOne—ReopeningRequest:

MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property known as Clubhouse 4, Ceramics Room, under 70-1448-3N, Phase One—Emergency Operational.

70-1448-3O, Lapidary Room, PhaseOne—ReopeningRequest: MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property known as Clubhouse 4, Lapidary Room, under 70-1448-3O, Phase One—Emergency Operational Procedure.

70-1448-3P, Veterans Plaza, Phase Two—Expanded Request: MOVED to approve the expanded use of Trust Property known as Veterans Plaza, currently open in Phase One, under 70-1448-3P, Phase Two—Emergency Operational Procedure.

70-1448-3R, Mission Park, Phase Two—Expanded Request:

MOVED to approve the expanded use of Trust Property known as Mission Park, currently open in Phase One, under 70-1448-3R, Phase Two—Emergency Operational Procedure.

Executive Committee Amend 30-5020-1 Organization of the Board: MOVED to amend 30-5020-1, Organization of the Board, establishing that GRF Board Officers may not concurrently serve on their Mutual

Board, as amended.

Amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms: MOVED to amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms, updating the document, as presented.

Finance Committee Accept 2020 Audited Financial Statements and Excess Income Distribution: MOVED to accept the final draft of audited 2020 Golden Rain Foundation Financial Statements, as of Dec. 31, 2020, for the year then ended, and the proposed Independent Auditors’ Report,assubmittedbyCliftonLarsonAllen LLP, hereby accepting the above-mentioned Financial Statements and reports therein, reflecting excess income of $602,940, less cash donations of $78,806 received from Golden Age Foundation specifically for trust projects, for a total of $524,134, and to authorize the President to sign the management representation letter.

Pursuant to Policy 40-5528-1— RefundofExcessIncome,MOVED 5

to approve the distribution of excess income, per the audited and approved2020FinancialStatements totheMutualCorporations,perthe schedule of disbursement. ApproveReserveFundsforInvesting in Indexed CDs: MOVED, in accordancewithPolicy40-5520-1— Reserves,toapprovesettingasideno morethan$200,000inreservefunds to be invested in indexed CDs. TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 40-5061-2, Fees: MOVED to refer 40-5061-2, Fees, to the Finance Committee for review. Amend 40-5522-3, Safe Deposit Box: MOVEDtoamend40-5522-3, Safe Deposit Box, updating individuals whoareauthorizedtoaccess GRF’ssafedepositbox,aspresented. Amend 40-5528-1, Refund of Excess Income: MOVED to amend 40-5528-1, Refund of Excess Income,updatingtheeliminationof excessfiscalyear,operationsbudget income procedure, as presented.

Physical Property Committee Reserve Funding Request—El Dorado, Spandrel Replacement: MOVED to award a contract to MJ Jurado, for the replacement of the concrete spandrel and portions of the curb and gutter on El Dorado, by Building 198, for a total cost not to exceed $9,512, Reserve funding, and authorize the President sign the contract.

Recreation Committee TENTATIVE VOTE: RV Lot Space Annual Lease Fee Increase: MOVED to approve the 20 percent increase in the annual lease fee for spaces at the 5.5 Acre RV Lot, as presented, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on April 27.

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