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Notification of Proposed Changes to GRF Governing Documents

Per the action of the GRF Board on March 23, in accordance with Civil Code §4360, Notice of Approval, the Board hereby provides general notice to all Shareholders/Members of the following proposed changes to GRF Governing Documents. All Shareholders wishing to comment on the proposed changes may submit your comments by either emailing comments to the attention of the GRF Board at or mailing comments to: Golden Rain Foundation, P.O. Box 2069, SealBeal,CA90740,Attn:Proposed Document Revisions. Please reference the name of the governing documentonanycorrespondence you submit. All comments will be copied to the Board for review and consideration. The Board will take final action relative on these documents atitsregularApril27meeting. 70-1400-1, Use of GRF (Trust) Facilities The Trust facilities of the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) are maintained for the use of residents stockholder/membersofSealBeach Leisure World with the following qualifications exceptions: 1. CO-OCCUPANTS

Persons, as defined in California Civil Code Section 51.3 who are not stockholders Members/ Owners (M/O) but are approved by the Mutuals to reside with a stockholder/member M/O, shall be entitled to use all of the Trust facilities upon payment of the Trust Property Use Fee (TPUF), a fee equal to the Amenities Fee listed in 40-5061-2. 2. QUALIFIED PERMANENT RESIDENTS Persons who are not senior citizens as defined in California Civil Code Section 51.3, eligible to be classified as Qualified Permanent Residents underCaliforniaCivilCodeSection 51.3, and approved by the Mutuals, shallbeentitledtousealloftheTrust facilities upon payment of TPUF a fee equal to the Amenities Fee listed in 40-5061-2. 3.MUTUAL17LESSEES(LEASED PRIOR TO JAN. 1, 2021) Mutual 17 Lessees shall be entitled to use all of the Trust Property facilities upon payment of a Lessee Amenities the Annual Fee, as specified in 40-5061-2.

4. MUTUAL RENTER/LESSEES (R/L) (LEASED AFTER DEC. 31, 2020) Mutual R/Ls shall be entitled to use all of the Trust facilities upon payment of the Trust Property Use Fee.


Permitted caregiver residents, as defined in California Civil Code Section 51.3, and non-resident health-care providers, shall be required to obtain Service Passes and are not entitled to use any of the Trust facilities. RVLOTSPACEANNUALLEASE FEE INCREASE At its regularly scheduled meeting on March 1, the Recreation Committee duly moved and approved to recommend to the Finance Committee a 20 percent increase to the yearly fee for a space lease at the GRF 5.5 Acre RV lot.

The Finance Committee, at its meeting on March 15, reviewed the proposed fee increase for compliance to provisions of Civil Code 5600 (Boards may not impose assessments or fees that exceed the amountnecessarytodefraythecosts for which it is levied) and approved a 20 percent increase in the annual lease rate, to be effective June 1, for a stall in the RV Lot and send to the Board for final approval. Operational expenses are calculated at: 2021 Budget Expense: $20,656 RV Lot Attendant: $26,208 RC Admin: $5,094, at $18 per stall FC Admin: $3,396, at $12 per stall Subtotal: $55,354 Budgeted Income: $46,000 Subtotal: -$9,354 20 percent Stall increase: $9,200 Break Even: -$154 Number of Stalls: 283 The current annual rates are: 10- to 20-foot space: $170 21- to 30-foot space: $200 31- to 40-foot space: $290 The new recommended annual rates are: 10- to 20-foot space: $204 ($34 increase) 21- to 30-foot space: $240 ($40 increase) 31- to 40-foot space: $348 ($58 increase)

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