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Democratic Club

By Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club will talk about the issues surrounding the efforts to recall Gov. Gavin Newsom at its next meeting on April 21 at noon via Zoom.

All interested LW Democrats and supporters can participate, regardless of whether they are club members. Those who are not already on the club’s contact list should email lwsbdemocraticclub@ with their name, mailing address and phone number in order to receive the login information.

Because of a complex verification and administrative process, final certification of the Newsom recall effort and setting of an election date is not likely to occur before mid-September. Nevertheless, Newsom is taking the recall attempt against him seriously, as should all Californians. Leisure Worlders are invited to Google “What to Know about California’s Recall Process” for details concerning the process.

A poll of 703 Orange County adults sponsored by Chapman University showed that they are basically split over whether New- som should be ousted before his term expires at the end of 2022. In fact, Orange County residents lean slightly against the proposed recall, according to the survey.

Therecallhasreceivednational attention, including fundraising by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Reportedly, the largest donor is John Kruger, an Orange County entrepreneur and education reform advocate who has given $500,000 through his Irvine-based Prov. 3:9 LLC.

••• Club members, as well as all Leisure World residents, are looking forward to the time when we can once again engage in face-toface contact with one another. In looking forward to that date, the Democratic Club’s board is in the process of developing plans for the reopening of a weekly booth outside Clubhouse 6 as soon as it is safe. When it opens, Democrats and supporters will have even more ready access to voter registration material, yard and window signs, club brochures, membership forms and information about upcoming elections.

Opening and maintaining this club booth will involve a significant number of volunteers. There is a job waiting for anyone interested in participating, either on a one-time basis or every week. Email for more information.

••• A Legislative update: Senate Bill 380, which amends the original California End of Life Option Act, went before the Senate Health Committee on March 24. Among other things, this new bill would extend the operation of the act indefinitely. For more information, Google “SB-380 End of life-CA Legislation.”

••• Club members are reminded that dues are now calculated on a calendar year basis. For those who have not yet renewed for 2021, forms are available at https://sblwdems. membership-2/ or by calling (562) 431-7275. New members are always welcome.

Leisure World Democrats and supporters are also invited to subscribe to the club’s electronic newsletter by emailing democraticclubsblw@ or calling (562) 296-8521. Remember to include your full contact information.

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