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876 people got first dose March 20


OptumCare, in conjunction with the GRF COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force, conducted its final onsite first-shot clinic at Clubhouse 6 on March 20. According to Optum Clinic Operations Manager Charity Kopp, who coordinated the clinics for OptumCare at the HCC, 4,914 people who registered for the vaccinations received them, with 876 getting their first dose last weekend. Those people will return on April 10 for their second and last shot.

Everyone who registered after Feb. 5 was offered an appointment, either by email or telephone, depending on how they registered (those who registered earlier had already received their vaccinations or were asked to re-register to eliminate people who received shots elsewhere).

Judging by the number of cancellations and registrants who failed to appear for their appointments March 20, the Task Force estimates at least 1,000 residents have received inoculations at other Points of Distribution and a few others failed to notice their appointment or return phone calls staff made to book them.

In addition to the 65-plus age group, GRF was able to offer appointments to all residents under 65 who registered between Feb. 5 and March 19. Due to cancellations, GRF and ICS employees were able to get inoculated, as they are considered essential workers with routine exposure to the LW community.

Only 20 GRF-registered caregivers applied. Staff attempted to contact all of them, and many were able to receive their first shot.

Some who would have liked to receive the vaccine in LW missed out due to illness, being out of town or not registering.

The March 20 clinic was hastily scheduled and the short notice put Optum and GRF at a disadvantage with only several hours’ notice by the Orange County Health Care Agency.

The COVID Task Force regrets disappointing those who missed out; however, inoculations are getting easier to obtain outside LWSB. Health officials expect that the vaccine will be able largely available by the end of May. Vaccinations are available at other Orange County outlets. People can also register online through For more information, contact

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