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Community Church

By Johan Dodge


We all have a story to tell. We have life that has been lived with tales of joy and tales of caution. It can be easy to get caught up in the moment and think that this past year is more of our life than it is. For those who are waiting to be vaccinated, it can be painful to reflect back on how life was before the pandemic. Everywhere I look there are stories of the one-year anniversary and stories of what we were doing during the last days before the lockdown. I remember last April, several people sharing that if they knew that was the last time they were going to go to a restaurant, they would have ordered the dessert.

What’s your story? Are you a dessert person or just the main course? Have you lived through greater tragedy than having to stay home on the couch ordering food delivery? Have you shared your story with friends and family? This week, we will be looking at John 12:20-33. I invite you to join Community Church for live worship online.

Call the church office or email to receive the Zoom link. Those who don’t have a computer or Facebook can call (562) 431-2503 to listen to the weekly message beginning Sunday evening.

Easter is April 4, and we hope to open indoors in a hybrid format for those who can show they have been vaccinated.

Lenten resources are available in the church office with daily Scripture and weekly prayers. Contact the church office to have one sent to you, or come to the church office to pick up a copy.

The missions team is sponsoring a fundraiser at Polly’s Pies on March 24 from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Everyone is invited to help the people served through the missions team.

Polly’s Pies will donate 20 percent of every order to the missions team. Flyers are required to be presented at check-out. Pick up a flyer from the church office, Monday-Thursday, from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Polly’s Pies follows the current level of on-site dining safety protocol and take out will be an option if preferred.

If you are in need without another way to address it, call the church office to leave me a direct message at (562) 431-2503.

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