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LW Baptist


By Rolland Coburn

The Bible heralds Christian faith as heart persuasion in believing that Christ alone is the true savior. Jesus’ life and words (Luke 7) show the nature and necessity of faith in him.

A centurion’s dear slave was dying. Hearing about Jesus, the soldier sent Jewish elders for Jesus’ help. They explained how the commander loved their people and how he built their Capernaum synagogue. Jesus accompanied them, but another message came:“Lord, don’t trouble yourself. I’m not worthy you should come, nor myself come to you. Just say the word to restore my servant. For I, a mere man under authority, give orders and it’s done.” Jesus marveled at his faith. He told everyone, “Not even in Israel have I found such faith.” Jesus expects us to trust his word. Returning, the messengers found the slave healed.

Entering Nain’s border, Jesus, the 12 disciples and his crowd met a group that was leaving to bury a mother’s only son. Tradition expected Jesus’ group to join the funeral. Touching the bier, Jesus stops them. Jesus requires we trust his compassion. Feeling her grief, Jesus says gently, “No weeping,” giving hope. Jesus spoke, “Young man, I say to you, arise!” The deceased sat up and began speaking, and Jesus gave him to his mother. The prince of life takes death’s prey and dries every tear. “I am the resurrection and the life; everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” A mother’s faith knows God is with us.

Hearing of these events, John the Baptist in prison sends two followers to ask the Lord, “Are you the expected one, or do we look for another?” Jesus answers, “Tell John what you see and hear: blind receive sight; lame walk; lepers are cleansed; deaf hear; dead are raised, and to the poor, the Gospel is preached. Whoever does not take offense at me is blessed.” Jesus says to trust his promise in life’s trouble. Not understanding everything, faith nonetheless trusts his wisdom, love and power. That is the martyr’s faith.

The messengers gone, Jesus publicly commends John’s faith as “my messenger,” adding that there’s none greater than John. “Yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” John’s faith belonged to the Old Testament era of promise. Jesus is the fullfillment of that promise, and he brings in the New Testament. Believers now see all God’s promises fulfilled in his beloved son. Jesus then clinches faith’s necessity. It is unwise to reject not believe, the messenger’s message nor the one he announced, namely Jesus, or else you harm your own soul, rejecting God’s good purpose for you.

LW Baptist meets on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Amphitheater.

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