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Credits & Kudos


Credits & Kudos must include the writer’s name and mutual, and will be edited for brevity. Mention of a business or service is not an endorsement or recommendation by the LW Weekly or Golden Rain Foundation.

Eileen C. Davis of Mutual 2 writes: Dr. Chang Yung helped relieve my sciatica pain, and I want my neighbors who are in pain to know.

In October 2019, I spent 11 days receiving medical treatment for severe sciatica pain. I was in the ER at Kaiser Permanente for three days waiting for placement in an acute care facility.

After eight days in the facility, I was released, feeling better but still in pain. After 10 sessions with Dr. Chang, my sciatica pain was gone! Today, I am still pain-free and no longer experience any sciatica problems.

I think Dr. Chang Yung, (714) 401-3355, would be a benefit to anyone suffering with pain.

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