LW Baptist
By Rolland Coburn
Luke 6:17-49, known as the Sermon on the Mount, presents our king and his kingdom. This wonderful king willingly associates with flawed people, prays on the hill, selects 12 apostles, then descends to crowds of his followers from Judea and the Phoenician coast waiting for his teaching and healing. He cured diseases and people troubled by impure spirits. In heaven, he will wipe away every tear, malady and sorrow. Crowds, seeing his compassion, reached for his touch.
Only what’s done for this king lasts. Blessed are the poor; they know they need him. Likewise, blessed are those who hunger for him and his righteousness, unlike the self-satisfied. Blessed mourners grieve over what grieves Jesus; they do not rejoice in unrighteousness. Blessed people suffer for his sake, unashamed. Living for Jesus brings heaven’s blessings forever; not doing so brings eternal woe.
Jesus’ law is a law of love. He summarizes: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Don’t be like the sinners who only love and do good to those who do good to them. Love while expecting nothing in return. Your reward will be great. Such love marks God’s children. He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, as your Father is.
Our king’s religion is heart-religion, not an outward show. Don’t speak against others while being blind to your own failings. That is hypocrisy, opening yourself for judgment. The blind cannot lead the blind. You are like your teachers. The fruit proves the tree. No good tree bears bad fruit, nor a bad tree good fruit. Figs don’t grow on thorn-bushes, nor grapes on briers. What fills your heart comes out. A good heart pours out good; evil hearts, evil.
Only our king’s word lasts forever and can save us. It must be life’s foundation. Jesus said, “Why call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ not doing what I say? Everyone coming to me, hearing my words and putting them into practice is like a builder laying the foundation on rock. A flood came, struck but could not shake the house. But hearers of my words who don’t put them into practice build without a foundation. The torrent strikes, the house collapses, destroyed.”
That is the king’s word. Do you know him? You need to. Do you seek his will? It is the only trustworthy guide. Do you live for him? If so, you will live forever; if not, you will perish. “O Jesus, Lord and savior, I give myself to thee, for thou in thy atonement didst give thyself for me. I own no other master. My heart shall be thy throne. My life I give henceforth to live, O Christ, for thee alone.”
LW Baptist Church meets Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the Amphitheater.