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Redeemer Lutheran and St. Theodore’s

By Lisa Rotchford


One thing we do even during the most strict stay-at-home restrictions is pray. A prayer request box has been installed near Redeemer Lutheran Church’s front door for anyone to use.

The Leisure World Interfaith Council encourages all to visit Redeemer, 13564 Saint Andrew’s Drive, and use the paper and pens to write a prayer request. Think of the locked, copper-toned mailbox as a way to share your concerns with your creator. Let go of fear, discouragement, frustration and sadness, and share thanksgivings and blessings.

This new physical prayer station will be dedicated during the upcoming Passover and Lenten season as a way of staying spiritually close–while remaining socially distant–with the one who loves us and knows our needs before we even ask. May God bless us and bring us closer together in prayer.

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